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  1. The most challenging part of microservices architecture is how services deal with each other. I was reading the article to reach a point to learn more about communication details, isolation, messaging mechanism, debugging, etc. Even I learned a lot in this article but I’m looking for an article about the real-world with details. I hope that you help me to find a one.

  2. This is a great overview of microservices in the .Net Core space and I’m sure it will be very helpful to a lot of people. Thanks for the time and effort you’ve taken to put it together. Look forward to your post on testing microservices.

  3. It’s pretty good overview about Implement Microservices with ASP.NET Core. It will help who wants to learn and build microservices using ASP.NET Core.

  4. Great post! Could you also elaborate on the most left blocks of your architecture diagram: gateway and identity server? How are requests passed from the gateway to the microservices? Does the gateway receive the request, and create the request to the microservice (doesn’t this slow the API down?).

    Also how do you share security across those microservices? The credentials of endusers have to be passed from the gateway to the microservices, right? But maybe also security between the microservices itself? Or are they allowed to perform any request?

  5. nice tutorial I learned a lot please help me with the error “visual studio container tools require Docker to be running” contanier.targets 198

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