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  1. Cool, just in time for my learning schedule.
    What I missed was an example on how to set feature filter for a particular user or maybe even a group of users.
    Also, can the feature filters be mixed? For example percentage + timed? Or probably more realistic – group of users for a period of time?
    I also found a curious problem – using the 50% percentage filter, on refresh I often get into a situation when the menu position “Mobile Reviews” is gone, but the in Home.cshtml shows “Welcome – Mobile Review Application” or the reversed (“Mobile Review” is shown & = “Welcome”). I thought of using IFeatureManagerSnapshot in HomeController, but I image I would also have to use something similar in _Layout.cshtml. What tag helper (or attribute on the ) should be used for that?

    1. Thanks for your feedback. For your problem with 50% between message and menu just replace IFeatureManager with IfeatureManagerSnapshot (no other change in view) then that problem should be gone. Yes, it’s possible to mix features flags – check the section “Combining Multiple Feature Flags”. I wanted to cover feature control based on the specific user as well but already the article was very lengthy so thought of covering it as a separate article. I will work on part 2 of this article and cover feature control with the user and user groups. Thanks

      1. I did not express myself clearly – I switched to IFeatureManagerSnapshot, but I continued to have the same problem. So eventually I tracked it to accidental duplication in DI registration – I had


        added two time. This is what was screwing with my results.

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